1 min readSep 1, 2021


So this being only my second post on this platform I need to point out a few things. Most of not all my posts will be made from my phone. So please forgive any spelling mistakes. This “blog" are my thoughts and mine alone. Some may be controversial, some not. I will not apologize for that. These posts are about anything and everything I like or just want to spew about.

I am not here to impress anyone.

In conversations with friends and family they suggested I should put some of these thoughts out into the ether and see what comes of it. So here we are.

I hae 20+ years experience in I.T.

3 years ago I gave it up, went back to school and became a chef. Do I still like the computer world? Yes. Do I still do work in the I.T. field? Yes. But now it’s nice to pick and choose. But I love cooking more. You can check out all my links at

So, if you are offended by anything, we’ll move on. I don’t care.

Ken aka Unkle Teddybear.

